Our Sunday meetings.

Meeting as family

Please feel free to join us at any of the Sunday meetings at 5pm in St Anne’s Primary School. Our meetings are informal but are focused around faith based discussion and food. Whether you have been a Christian for many years, are just curious about exploring faith issues or simply want to share a hot meal with us you would be very welcome to join us.

For further information of the prayer meetings and socials please contact us connect2brownedge@gmail.com

Timetable for our Sunday Meetings August 2024 – December 2024

To find more about the Wednesday prayer meetings contacting Alex on alex.wolvers@lichfiled.anglican.org

Sunday 4th The ‘Lost’ Parables Lk 15:1-32
Sunday 11thThe Good Samaritan Lk 10: 25-37 
Wednesday 14thPrayer
Sunday 18thThe Unforgiving Servant Matt 18:21-35 
Sunday 25thThe Widow and the Judge Lk 18:1-8 
Wednesday 28thPrayer
Sunday 1stParable of The Talents Matt 25:14-30 
Sunday 8thParable of the Sower Matt 13:1-23 
Wednesday 11thPrayer
Sunday 15thParable of The Pharisee and Tax Collector LK 18: 9-14 
Sunday 22ndAlpha 1 Is there more to life than this? 
Wednesday 25thPrayer
Sunday 29thAlpha 2 Who is Jesus? 
Sunday 6thAlpha 3 Why did Jesus die? 
Wednesday 9thPrayer
Sunday 13thAlpha 4 How can I have faith? 
Sunday 20thAlpha 5 Why and how should I pray? 
Wednesday 23rdPrayer
Sunday 27thAlpha 6 Why and how should I read the Bible? 
Sunday 3rd  Alpha 7 How does God guide us? 
Wednesday 6thPrayer
Saturday 9thAlpha Day Together Who is the Holy Spirit? 
Sunday 10thAlpha 8 How can I resist evil? 
Sunday 17thAlpha 9 Why and how should I tell others 
Wednesday 20thPrayer
Sunday 24thAlpha 10 Does God heal today? 
Sunday 1stAlpha 11 What about the Church? 
Wednesday 4thPrayer
Sunday 8thAdvent 
Sunday 15thAdvent 
Wednesday 18thPrayer
Sunday 22ndChristmas Celebration 
Sunday 29th